Testimonials 2023

While we can report the remarkable magnitude of the Lahore Science Mela 2023’s success, it is the firsthand accounts and heartfelt stories that truly capture the spirit of the Mela

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A testimonial very close to our hearts. It was recieved by our team member, Mohsina Asif who asked an InDriver captain to visit the mela with his family.

مس آپکا بہت شکریہ کہ اپنے مجھے دعوت دی۔ آپ میری بیٹی کے چہرے پر مسکان دیکھیں وہ کتنی خوش ہے ۔ اسنے اس دن چڑیا گھر جانا تھا مگر ہم میلے پر  آئے اور انسے بہت مزہ کیا ۔ اگلی دفع ایسی کوئی بھی سرگرمی ہو، اپنے مجھے لازمی بتانا ہے ۔ آپکا بےحد شکریہ۔

Voice message recieved from the principal of  Eminabad Government School who visited the mela, expressing his awe for LSM 23


Joao Pequenaoa, CERN

"Excellent work. Many thanks to you and the whole team for preparing it, and also for making this wonderful event happen. I am very proud and feel blessed for being part of this great endeavour. Cheers from CERN."

Helen Pooley, History of Science Museum

"Thank you so much for inviting the History of Science Museum, it was great to be a part of this event!"

“Dr. Sabieh Anwar⁩, Mohsina Asif⁩ Many Congratulations for holding such a fantastic and wonderful event. It would really motivate youth towards Science. Also thanks for including my talk in the agenda on opportunities at CERN for Pakistani nationals.”

“Thank you everyone, for the super smooth auditorium experience – and thank you in general for making this year’s LSM another fantastic experience!” – Roshan Bukhari

“Thank you for making everything go so smoothly!! Really appreciate it.” – Salman Hameed

“Indeed it was a great pleasure to join the Lahore Science Mela again
along with my children and grandchildren. Had exclusive pleasure to speak in Science Baithak, an old tradition of storytelling and open discussions in the Pakistani society.”

“We all are thankful for the Invitation. LSM23 is a great success. We Appreciate KSM efforts.”

Aero Engine Craft exhibited Pakistan’s first commercial jet engine prototype developed at its facility, the engine components manufactured, 3D printed models of aircraft designed in-house, and a 3D printed model of the contrail-free aero-engine at the Lahore Science Mela 2023 organized by Khwarizmi Science Society.

We need to be at the cutting edge of Science and Technology to bring peace and justice
to the World. We need to be strong to end oppression. The Lahore Science Mela is an excellent initiative in that direction which nurtures science for everyone and provides aspiring scientists with a direction. It also helps us understand the role of science in our lives. Well done Khwarizmi Science Society for providing Pakistan with such an enriching and enlightening experience.”

“Dear Dr. Sabieh Anwar⁩ & team , thank you and my appreciations are in order . Have been super impressed with all your efforts and commitment for Science outreach, simply a phenomenal and a truly inspiring initiative! As an educator I can extract the great value it offers to students , teachers and the community . Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for LSM 2023 and making it into a memorable mela . I’m truly humbled and honoured for the invite that was extended

“Accept my heartfelt appreciation on holding Lahore Science Mela 2023 at our Alma mater and making it a huge succeess.Your untiring efforts and excellent teamwork spoke for itself! Coming back to school after so many year got me so nostalgic and emotional, a feeling that cannot be described in words. Indeed, once a crescentarian always a crescentarian!”

Zainab Khan:

“Meet Sadia, 16 years old girl from Zuha Rafiq TAKMIL School in Village Naimjo, Khuzdar, Balochistan. For the first time in her life, she traveled from Khuzdar to participate in one of the largest national science expos, the Lahore Science Mela. Sadia serves as an inspiration to aspiring girls pursuing education and transforming their dreams into reality. Just over a year ago, she was an out-of-school girl who had discontinued her education in grade 2 at a very young age. She couldn’t continue her education due to the distant location of school and was restricted to her home. After several years, at the age of 15, Sadia resumed her education at Zuha Rafiq TAKMIL School, established in 2023, and is on her way to be promoted to grade 6 soon.

We extend our gratitude to everyone supporting the mission of education, empowering thousands of girls like Sadia to access education and fulfil their dreams.”

LinkedIn Post🔗

 لاہور سائنس میلہ نے دو دِن میں ہزاروں لوگوں کے دِل و دماغ کو علم کی روشنی سے مُنوّر کر دیا اور یہ ہزاروں لوگ اِس  پیغام کو آگے لاکھوں لوگوں تک پہنچائیں گے کہ پاکستان علم، فکر اور ہُنر میں کِسی سے کم نہیں ہے۔ انشا اللہ ہم بہت جلد اِس ملک میں حقیقی آزادی دیکھیں گے۔ جو سیاست سے نہیں، ذہنوں کی آبیاری اور علم کی روشنی سے ہو پائے گی! 


تیری خودی میں اگر انقلاب ہو پیدا

عجب نہیں ہے کہ یہ چار سُو بدل جائے!   (اقبال)

“As I walked through the bustling Lahore Science Mela, the atmosphere was electric with excitement and curiosity. Each exhibit seemed more fascinating than the last, as I explored interactive displays showcasing cutting-edge research and innovative technologies. The air was filled with stimulating discussions, as people from all walks of life engaged with scientists eager to share their passion and knowledge. Witnessing the reverence for knowledge and scientific discovery at this festival deepened my appreciation for the incredible power of science to shape our world and inspire wonder.”

“We all are very much inspired by Dr Sahb and the number is increasing every day who want to be part of this great initiative of KSS.
I am sure this initiative will lead us to produce great scientists in Pakistan.”

“I express my gratitude to Sir Salman Mehmood Qazi for his continuous guidance and support, as well as to all KSS officials and volunteers, including Dr. Sabieh, Mr. Abubakar, and the entire team.
Thanks to their dedicated efforts, the Lahore Science Mela was a great success, bringing together people of all ages and backgrounds. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

کتنا دلچسپ رہا یہ دیکھنا کہ آپ باٸیولوجی کے طالب علم ہو کر یہاں ریاضی بھی سیکھ رہے ہیں۔ اگر فزکس کی کوٸی بات سر کے اوپر سے اڑ جاٸے تو یہاں پر سائنس کے میزبان پوری کوشش کرتے ہیں بات کو یوں سمجھانے کی کہ پھر کچھ مشکل نا رہے۔بلکہ آپ خود کو ماہر ماننے لگیں۔میلے کی سب سے اچھی بات کہ زبان کی قید سے آزاد ہے اور آپ کو ایک مزے کی بات بتاؤں “دنیا اپنی زبان میں خوبصورت ہے مگر زبان کی سرحد کے پار دنیا بہت حسین ہے.”

یہ زبان کی قید سے آزادی آپ کے ذہن اور تخلیقی صلاحیتوں کو بھی آزاد کرتی ہے۔ اور آپ معمول سے زیادہ سیکھ پاتے ہیں۔
اہل علم کا جمِ غفیر آپ کو حیران کرتا ہے کہ آپ کس غفلت کی دنیا میں رہ رہے تھے۔آپ کا جی اپنے آپ چاہتا ہے کہ جو نہیں آٸے انھیں بھی مدعو کیا جاٸے تاکہ اس میٹھے چشمے سے وہ بھی سیراب ہو پاٸیں۔آج ہم وطنوں کا رجحان جہاں شعور سے خالی تفریح کی جانب بڑھ ہوا ہے وہاں ہمارا یہ علم و شعور سے بھرپور میلہ۔ہم سب کا اپنا ساٸنس میلہ ہمیں بھرپور طریقے سے تفریح کی ساٸنس اور ساٸنس میں تفریح کے اصول سیکھاتا رہا۔

کیا اب بھی آپ کو یہ نہیں سوچنا چاہیے کہ ہم اپنے اداروں میں اپنی تقاریب کو ایسی ساٸنسی سرگرمیوں میں بدل سکتے ہیں؟ مثال کے طور پر سوشل میڈیا کے شوقین ٹیکنالوجی کی ساٸنس سیکھیں۔۔۔تاکہ یوں دنیا میں دریافتوں اور حیران کن ایجادات کے ذریعے اپنی زندگی کو مزید رنگین اور پرآساٸش بنایا جاٸے۔ میرا تجربہ کرشماتی رہا کہ ایسا نہیں کہ آپ دوسری مرتبہ میلے کی سیر کو آٸیں گے تو کھوجنے کو کچھ رہے گا نہیں۔یہ ہر نشست میں آپ کو نئی طرز سے سنوارتا ہے۔ہر بار آپ نئے علوم کے سمندر میں غوطہ زن ہوتے ہیں چنانچہ

یہاں ذوقِ تجسس کا اِک اور ہی عالم ہے
اہل علم کے میلے میں دنیا دیکھنے چلے آنا

نام : جویریہ عتیق
کردار : شامل ہونے والے اسکولوں کو خوش آمدید کہنا

Dr. Sabieh Anwar's End-of-Day Message to the Volunteer Group

While we couldn’t record every beautiful word from our people on this page, we have it saved in our hearts. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who shared their stories and experiences with us. 

Let’s keep those memories alive and continue working together!